blog write up for bff Kim

Kim asked a favor for I composing a graduation write up for her. I got a writer's block yesterday afternoon. I started doing it 12 midnight of this day. I finished around 1am for an 80-w0rd write up. I got a hard time squeezing all thoughts in this 80-word slots. The first composition I made was about 100+ words. I really love that first work. However, it isn't 80 words. Period. I revamped the old one and settled on this one.

An artist, a student, and a loving individual.Three words. One special person. Kim.

She makes music out of simple beats. Her talents like playing the piano and singing impart warmth to the hearts of her spectators.

She humbles herself in spite of excellence. Nonetheless, her non-stereotypical nerdiness proves that “being smart is sexy”.

She’s a loving relative for her family and a friend for others.

With all her God-given abilities, Kim is one person whose way is paved to success.
I know I can make a better one, given unlimited space. 80 words? 'Come on! It isn't enough to describe a person whom I spend the last nine years of my life. 'Right?

Anyway, my life's been a lot better since Wednesday. I tried to get the negative thoughts out in my head and settle with what I have.

Settle. Krisha ♥


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